In Mahboob curtain You can pay for your order directly online on the bank`s payment gateways. Success of payment means that your order is receved and it diesn`t need to be informe to us, it will be proccessed automatically.
Nationsl car or ID cart is reqiered for deliver the goods.
– How to pay online
For online payment you can use all credit card that works in SHETAB network. Supported banks: Melli, Saderat, … These are the datas thatpayment form needs:
1- 16 Digits card number
On the card.
2- Secondary password for online payment
Foronline shopping you must enabled your secondary password.
Secodary password is differ than first password. For more information call your bank`s supporters. In second sectio enter your secondary password.
3- CVV2
CVV2 is on your card. Sometimes 3 or 4 length.
4- EXP date of your card (on it)
EXP date is on your card. For more info call your bank`s support.