All orders will processed two periodically dependent on numbers of orders per day.
You informed with SMS about your order conditions.
And you can call us for get information about your order(s).
1- Tipax
It works for all of privince of Iran. Tipax doesnt get any extra cost for the central zone shipment. If your location is far from the Tipax you can go and get your order directly Shipment take 2-4 days. Time for far city takes 2-7 days.
This way is for orders that their weight or sizes are not suitable for Post ant Tipax.
2-4 for days delivery.
3 – Post
This way use the Post company of Islamic Republic of Iran. All the order send to Post all on the week day. Your delivery depends on your desination and the shipment priorities. You will receive a 24 digit code that ca use in Post wbsite to be informed about your order shipment`s condition.
You can get this code from your orders page after you logged in our website.
1-7 day it`s take time to deliver. May be have delay on holidays.